Saturday, February 6, 2010

In which the Damozel undergoes an endoscopy

So yesterday was my big celiac testing day! Hubs was a darling and took the day off of work to drive me back and forth from the procedure. There was anesthesia involved, so I wasn't allowed to drive myself home. Besides, it was just comforting to me to have him there.

We got there plenty early (9:30am for the 10:15 procedure) to fill out any remaining paperwork. Then I was taken back into one of the exam rooms, given a gown to change into, a bag to put my belongings in, and then I just sat and waited, perusing the sparse assortment of magazines to help keep my mind off my very hungry stomach (I'd had to fast - no food and no water - since the night before) and suppress my slight fear.

Blood tests aren't a big deal, even though they make me nauseous and light-headed. I've had tons of them. But I'd never had an endoscopy before. There was also the possibility of an intestinal biopsy along with the endoscopy (apparently they decide once they see your insides), and the prospect of having little samples of my intestinal walls snipped out didn't feel comforting. 
I was moved from the exam room to the recovery room to continue waiting, until the doctor was free and the anesthesiologists were ready. Finally, it was time. 

They took me into the little operating/procedure room. Dr. R, and two men who were assisting him. They were very cheerful and their manner was very comforting. Also, the man who was sticking needles into me did such a good job that I felt very little. First the took blood, but since I was already lying down on the table I didn't feel too faint. I noticed there was a monitor on the right side of the room, and wondered if that's what they'd be using to view my insides.

Dr. R asked me what kind of music I like. I said, "anything but country." He said, "good taste." By then he was standing by me with his ipod in hand, and I realized he wanted me to pick something. Music while I was being "operated" on? That was different. And cool. I picked the Beatles, and he started to play. It was nice to have music. I was so tired, but I felt relaxed and not too scared. 

The men were making conversation, and telling me what was going to happen. They'd said I'd be sedated just enough to be in a twilight zone where I might know what was going on, and hear things, but I wouldn't feel anything. Well, the second they started pumping the anesthesia into my IV, I was gone. I don't even remember slowly fading out the way I did when I got sedated for my wisdom teeth to be removed. 

The next thing I knew one of the nurses was telling me to wake up, that I was in recovery. I opened my eyes and Hubs was sitting there in the chair next to me. The whole procedure had only taken 15 minutes or so. It took me a little while to wake up, but eventually I got my eyes to stay open.
Dr. R. came by to say that from what they could see things looked ok, but that was often the case even when something is wrong. So they had taken 6 pieces out of my intestines to check them. He said I'd have the results from that and the blood tests in about a week. He also said I should go back on the gluten free diet. 

 I felt a little weak heading out of the medical center, but was more steady on my feet than I'd expected to be. And I could finally have some FOOD and COFFEE! We stopped at Starbucks on the way home. :) I spent the rest of the day feeling rather tired, a bit sore inside, and having very strange dreams when I slept.

Today, although I am getting tired easily, and still feel a bit sore inside, I feel better than I have in weeks! My head is not a confused exhausted mess. Maybe this is because I haven't eaten a smidge of gluten in almost 48 hours?!

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